
We envision a world with formally verified, reliable, secure, and trustworthy systems that our society can depends on.

Software Systems Research improves the practice of software design and implementation, by providing developers, users, and decision-makers scientific methods and tools for safety and security assurance.


  • Create high assurance secure computing and information platforms and systems
  • Improve software and systems security.
  • Develop innovative software analysis and verification technologies.
  • Promote rigorous and secure software engineering practice.

Research Training
We strongly believe in a tight integration of research and education. One of our goals is to develop educational curriculum to foster effective integration of research and education, aiming at producing undergraduates and graduates with world-class knowledge and skills in our research areas.

Research Area
We do research in the broad area of software systems, including software security, protection, analysis, verification, software and information assurance, programming languages, and software engineering.